Charles Warwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yes the data of the message will 'pass through' that machine.  There is no
> way with SMTP for it to just see the RCPT TO: address and say, no I don't
> accept that e-mail, please send that to a different mail server.  

Well, there is. But I've not seen it specifically supported in sender
or (non-)receiver:

RFC 821 offers:



         551 User not local; please try <forward-path>
            This reply indicates that the receiver-SMTP knows the user's
            mailbox is on another host and indicates the correct
            forward-path to use.  Note that either the host or user or
            both may be different.  The receiver refuses to accept mail
            for this user, and the sender must either redirect the mail
            according to the information provided or return an error
            response to the originating user.

although clearly the bounce that results from that could direct the
recipient to send the mail elsewhere. Which may, or may not be, what
the original poster was wanting to avoid.


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