grrr either you have an old syslogd man page or you can't rtfm well!
e.g if you specify 
mail.*          -/var/adm/maillog
you have an unsynced maillog
it will work faster but unreliable for sudden power failures!
next time please post your questions to the list and not to my
personal mailbox, as anyone else might be ever interested and as I'm 
not your consultant :)

> > Unfortunately it's not like they (djb) says in commercials :)
> > Use the - prefix in syslog.conf on mail logging facility and
> > it won't commit sync() after each line appended.
> > 
> > >   Syslogd is death to a medium- to high-volume qmail server.  I've
> > > seen the same thing happen.   Switch to multilog.
> And, after reading man syslog.conf and man syslogd, I'm still not 
> clear on where the - goes.
> Do you have an example of your syslog.conf to show us?

Stefan Laudat
The only thing I feel when I kill is recoil.

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