For the life of me, I can't figure out what I did.

I'm running qmail 1.03 on a RH 7 (kernel 2.2.17) system.  This is an
internal server providing DNS (internal and forwarding for external
resolution), mail and web services.  I'm running vpopmail 4.9.4.  Everything
seems to be working fine except sending from the mail server to an address
hosted on the mail server (local mail).  Incoming mail from the rest of the
Internet seems to work, mail from other servers internally seems to work,
again, just mail initiated locally is broken.

I'm also hosting other domains on this same system and they are behaving
similarly ... mail from outside works, mail initiated from the mail server

all the domains are listed in rcpthosts and virtual domains properly.  

Here's what I see in my bounced message (it gets bounced to root@localhost
and placed in an mbox)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
553 5.3.5 config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)
554 5.3.5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Local configuration error is my MX record ... here's a partial of my DNS:

kazon           IN      A
mail            IN      A
@               IN      MX  5
@               IN      NS
@               IN      A

I can ping all address and names just fine.

Any ideas?  All I can find are references to this similar problem.  Near as
I can tell, the qmail equivalent solution would be to add the domain to
rcpthosts file.  It's already there.

Thanks for any input.


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