Lieven Van Acker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>There are a number of customers, whose incoming and outgoing e-mail must be
>rerouted via a central service that provides virus-scanning. As these
>customers are connected each to various ISP's, and we want to provide the
>virus-scanning service (and eventually other mail processing services), all
>mail should be routed through one relay host (MYRELAY), the one I have to
>setup. The virus-scanning is provided by a third party  relay host
>(PROCRELAY) who will accept smtp-connections from our relay host, process the
>mail and route it back to the final destination.

OK, so you want all messages that pass through MYRELAY to loop once
through PROCRELAY before final delivery? You could use a general
processing mechanism like the one described here:

You might also be able to tweak one of the spam or virus checking
modifications to intercept messages that haven't been through
PROCRELAY and forward them there.

>Because I have to route the mail on MYRELAY depending on where the previous
>mail-hop was, I think I have to run 2 different mailprocesses, and use
>portforwarding based on the smtp conversations client host.

That would work. I'm not sure which approach would be best.


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