> Hello everybody!!!
> I am using qmail1.03 on a rh7.0.
> I would like to use qmailadmin 0.39. <--

check the site for updates regulary

> but I can't log in, I need 'postmaster' but I don't know who is he.

He is the default which you get when you do a ./home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain

so .. the password you gave it there is the postmaster's password.  Does
this look familiar?  It is in the INSTALL document for the latest (at the
time I wrote this) version.

6. Add a virtual domain

        For this example, we will add a domain "test.com"

        # cd /home-dir-of-vpopmail/bin

        # ./vadddomain test.com
        # ./vadddomain test.com password-for-postmaster <-- YO CHECK ME OUT

        vadddomain will modify the following qmail files
                (default locations used)
        /var/qmail/control/morercpthosts (if rcpthosts > than 50 lines)

        It will also create a domains directory
                ~vpopmail/domains/test.com/postmaster/Maildir ...

        If you do not specify a password on the command line, it
        will prompt for a password for the postmaster.

        Then it will send a kill -HUP signal to qmail-send telling it
        to re-read the control files.

        Note: setting up DNS MX records for the virtual domain is not
        covered in this INSTALL file.

> however I use omail and it run very wel.

I use qmailadmin and I think the name fits, and it runs very well now that
all of those annoying images are gone : )   I do wish the mailing list
manager would get fixed sometime soon however.  I am going to have to take a
programming class one of these days.

> Thanks fo your support.

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