Thus said Rahsheen Porter on Sun, 28 Jan 2001 23:27:14 EST:

> I'm extremely happy with qmail and the other software available from
> DJB, but I've yet to hear anything about an IMAP server that takes
> security into consideration. I'm running Courier-IMAP right now, but I
> haven't actually opened the port to the world yet because I'm not
> confident in it's security (since I can't seem to find any docs on it
> that mention the word). 

Why would you be more confident in an IMAP daemon from DJB? (No offense 
DJB).  Why are you not confident in it's security?  While courier-imap 
isn't coded in the same style that DJB uses, I do believe that it has 
been built with security in mind.  Having said that, I cannot say for 
certain that it *is* indeed secure merely because I have not seen a 
security audit on the code, but I do believe for the most part it is 
secure.  For more on it's security I believe there is a document called 
SECURITY in the code tree somewhere which discusses it's approach to 
security---you might have a look at that.

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