> ok, on my Solaris, the qmail distribution is "forking" almost 10 to 20
> processes per second.
> This cost a lot in system ressources and system calls

Yes.  Unfortunately, Solaris isn't Unix, and qmail was designed to run
on Unix systems.  Unix is rather good at forking, especially images as
tiny as qmail; Solaris isn't.  As Rob Pike once said, "perhaps if
people had understood fork() better we wouldn't have threads".

> So I'm trying to work on a threaded qmail-rspawn to avoid so many forks


I'm going to put my manager's hat on for a moment.  How much time do
you intend to spend on developing and debugging this?  How much does
that time cost?  How much would it cost to buy a fast PC, run a real
Unix (I'd suggest OpenBSD, FreeBSD, or some version of Linux) on it,
and make that your mail server?


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