Excellent - my first flame from Mr. Socha.  I suddenly feel privileged.  
Apologies to everyone else for the spam.  This is the first and last time I 
will reply to anything like this.

On Wednesday 14 February 2001  2:24 pm, you wrote:
> Well, great. So you're acutally sending the following to public mailing
> lists? I'm sorry I have to ask but what does braindamaged translate to
> in your language?

In my language, "acutally" is spelled "actually", and "braindamaged" is 
actually "brain damaged".  Your comments speak for themselves.  I feel sad 
that I have to correct you on simple spelling issues.

> > This message is confidential.  It may also be legally privileged.  It
> > is intended solely for the stated addressee(s) and access to it by
> > anyone else is unauthorised. [blablabla]
> 8 lines of nothing. "legally privileged", huh? More like "intellectually
> differently abled".

If I could remove the footer, I would.  However this is out of my control and 
is a requirement of our internal audit department.  Not a lot I can do about 
it.  Sorry.

> "Reliable" and "rarely" don't mix well in a binary world.

I know.  Why do you think I run Unix boxes instead of NT?  As I said before, 
the box is out of my control.  (Maybe the expression "I'm told that..." was a 
little too vague for you...)  Sure, I could set up my own little mail server 
to bypass the NT box, but I like having a job to get up for in the morning.

> Welcome to Unix, Andrew - our tools either work, or they don't.

Thanks.  About 15 years too late for the welcome, but thanks anyway.  I've 
been doing this for a while

> Exchange *does* *not* *work* and neither does NT.

Tell me something I don't know, then you might be able to contribute 
something useful instead of just fanning the flames.

> Your solution is not a solution.

It is a system that works for us, and that is all that I was trying to say.

> It's a viable way of creating a security hole the size of Redmond.

If I had a choice, all the NT boxes would be dropped off the edge of the 
nearest cliff.

> Go away.


> > Unix Systems Administrator
> You wish, mouse pusher.

Minix, Xenix, Linux, Risc/OS, SCO UnixWare, ICL DRS/NX, Solaris 2.x/7/8, AIX. 
 All versions of Unix I've administered over the last 15 years.

Replies such as the one Robin has posted do nothing to help the image of 
qmail or open source products in general.  Let's try and keep it to the point 
and keep the flames down.  Maybe some people who are usually the first to cry 
"netiquette" should go and look up the term themselves.

Again, sorry to all for feeding to the flame.  Apologies for wasting your 

Andrew Bold
Unix Systems Administrator

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If you have received this message in error, you must not disclose, copy, circulate or 
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