Thanks to Lincoln (and Chris J) and James A. Brown for taking
a stab at my problem.  Indeed it was as Chris had suggested
to Lincoln.  I think I had seen the response and lost it from my
mail box and convinced myself that I hadn't seen it...

I'll move these people to a virtual domain and then the ones
with "non-standard" email addresses will be in their own .qmail
file.  New employees w/ "standard" email addresses will be
picked up by the default .qmail file for that virtual domain and
forwarded...   :)

Michael Boyiazis
Mail Architect, NetZero, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lincoln Yeoh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 6:46 PM
> To: Michael Boyiazis
> Subject: Re: virtualdomain/smtproute
> I asked something _similar_ last week. But it's not exactly the same.
> See Chris Johnson's answer to "translating or remapping 
> domains to another
> domain", 2001/01/29
> My situation was I wanted:
> to go to
> No changes to the username portion.
> The answer to my situation (thanks to Chris) : 
> echo '' >> /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
> echo '' >>
> /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
> echo '| forward "$DEFAULT"' >  \
>    /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-rocketcash-default
> But my understanding of your situation is:
> Outside   - >  firewall  -> MSX with AV -> Internal mailservers
>  u@aimtv         ->     u@aimtv   ->          u@aimtv
> f@rocketcash     -> fipl@netzero  -> fipl@netzero
> And now you also want
> fipl@rocketcash  -> fipl@netzero  -> fipl@netzero
> Looks possible but may require some modification - depends 
> how you do the
> firstname to longname thing.
> Cheerio,
> Link.
> At 02:51 PM 05-02-2001 -0800, you wrote:
> >I have a situation which leaves me (I think) caught between
> >virtualdomain and smtproute files...
> >
> >We have qmail running on a firewall box and forwarding
> >to the corporate exchange server...
> >
> >We have users from one domain:
> > which we use smtproutes to forward directly
> >to a virus scan box...  all the email addresses in the aimtv
> >domain match those found on the forwarding domain, so
> >smtproutes is appropriate.
> >
> >I'd like all our domains to be that way, but each domain that
> >the virus scan box checks needs extra licensing ($$)...
> >
> >so, we have another domain,
> >some email addresses are [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >the mail comes in and I use a .qmail file to forward these to
> >
> >future new addresses will be along the line of
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] which will forward
> >to the equivalent on
> >
> >is there a way to catch all those future addresses and 
> forward them to
> > w/o using smtproutes and without creating 
> a separate
> >.qmail for each new employee?  would a catchall .qmail
> >file be able to do that?  i don't see how.  it makes sense 
> to use smtproutes
> >but i cannot from what i can see.
> >
> >any suggestions?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >--
> >Michael Boyiazis
> >Mail Architect, NetZero, Inc.
> >

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