>Is there anyway to implement into the qmail pop3d?  If so where can I find
>some good docs on it?

stunnel, as Pawel Garbowski pointed out, will do this.

>I looked at Frederik Vermeulen's patch for SSL, and couldn't really make
>much sense of it.  First is it possible to have qmail-smtp answer to both
>ssl and non-ssl requests?

Yes. This patch implements the STARTTLS extension to SMTP. A client
makes a normal, unsecured connection to port 25, then issues the
STARTTLS command to begin encrypting the stream.

This is different from simply wrapping qmail-smtpd via stunnel and
listening on another port, which is another approach. There's also the
SMTP AUTH extension, implemented in a couple patches for qmail, that
allows the client to authenticate with the server, but doesn't encrypt
the traffic. This is useful for secure relay control.

Which method you should use depends upon what you're trying to achieve
*and* what your users/clients are using to read/send their mail.

>Second, where can I find some good documentation on implementing this

Read the appropriate RFC, the web page for the patch, archives for the
list, etc.


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