On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 11:11:55AM -0500, Russell Nelson mumbled:
> Your anti-useless-use-of-cat crusade is a waste of people's time.  It
> comes from the old days where machine time was more important than
> people time.  We left those days at least five years ago.

So, just because we have faster computers we should make programs that
are not as efficient as they "used" to be?  Your filosofy is pretty much
what Microsoft is working on and I for one do not like it.  If you can
make it fast, then make is _fast_.  Not because you have to but because
you can, there is no need to write less efficient code just because
a fast computer make the new, albeit slow, code run just as fast as the old
code, the fast one, on an slow machine.  Thats just being dumb.


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