
This might be a little off topic but it is pretty much about qmail. 

I have a very mysterious problem. I had setup a qmail server (and a local 
dnscache running on for faster nslookups) for a customer of mine, 
and it has been working absolutely fine. He also had some weird crappy ms 
asp code, vbscript, and something to do with MS SQL and odbc connections. 
This code basically stores e-mail addresses on the MS SQL server, divided in 
tables by categories, and at a later time, you could use the asp web 
interface to send emails to email addresses listed under certain categories. 
He had it working against his sendmail or Imail box or something. His code 
just uses the basic RFC compliant commands like HELO, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, 
data, etc. He liked the performance and reliability and thus wanted to do 
more migration.
Now he changed his "asp code" or "stuff" (I am not exactly sure what 
exactly) to relay the mail through this qmail server and not through the 
sendmail/Imail box as it used to. All the emails to be sent are sent to 
remote addresses and not local of course. I also made sure I allow relaying 
for that entire Class C Subnet like 1.2.3.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="" in 
/etc/tcp.smtp and compiled it with tcprules to tcp.smtp which the mentioned 
in the tcpserver -x command to start qmail. Now he tests his code, and he 
keeps getting the following error (on his nt box that is sending the emails 
to the qmail server to actually deliver them): 

550 5.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed 

At a first glance, I could swear on anything that this looks nothing to me 
like a qmail error.
1. I am not running tcpserver with -p and -P
2. The error message is not in a recognized message format like for example 
the unimplemented qmail error message: 

502 unimplemented (#5.5.1) 

First, the error code is mentioned *always* last!
Second, the error code is *always* prefixed with a hash mark "#"
Third, the error code is enclosed in paranthesis 

Now, I telnet to the qmail box (from the server that runs his code that 
connects to the qmail box to send emails) on port 25 and helo my.host.com, 
mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> rcpt to:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> data, body, and 
"."  and qmail queues the message with no errors, I get the email at the 
other end. Hrmmmmmm 

Does this error message look familiar? I also connected to that qmail box 
from an ip that doesn't resolve and relayed mail through it fine (after 
putting the ip address in tcp.smtp and compiling it's .cdb)
So I really believe that is not a qmail error! What is it then?
I'd really appreciate any ideas 

(Please cc me a copy of your reply) 

Best Regards,
Tamer Hassan 

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