On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 08:11:10PM +0100, Peter van Dijk wrote:

> ezmlm is an instantly-working mailinglist tool, that saves you time
> coding. It also injects a message into the queue *once*, which means
> there is no I/O problem. qmail then delivers this *one* message to
> *all* recipients, in such a way that ezmlm can do reliable
> bouncehandling.

Could you please point to some documentation about how this is done?

I checked cr.yp.to and www.ezmlm.org but couldn't find it. (I have not
searched extremely well though, so ofcourse I could have missed it.)


      Jurjen Oskam * http://www.stupendous.org/ for PGP key * Q265230
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