Bill Isaacs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now that we're all in agreement on what relay-ctrl is, let me get
> more specific about what is not happening for me with this package ;)
> I now check the cron log to make sure that relay-ctrl-age has run
> since the timestamp on the above file:
> -------------------------------
> root (02/27-12:47:00-5529) CMD (/usr/sbin/relay-ctrl-age)
> -------------------------------
> So far so good.
> So obviously, the database isn't being updated.

Okay, lets see some information on the file itself.  How about 
    `ls -ld / /etc /etc/tcpcontrol /etc/tcpcontrol/*`

Then, use tcprulescheck on the cdb file to see if that IP address is
in there:
    `TCPREMOTEIP= tcprulescheck /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb`

Replace with the IP address of the machine you POP-checked your
mail from immediately before doing the above steps.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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