On 02 Mar 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dan could fix this by releasing qmail-1.03.1 with different
> installation instructions.  Of course, if he did, some people would
> take that to be an admission that there actually is a security hole in
> qmail-1.03.

Who cares what other people think? If he (Dan) is giving out a
product which is even better and easier to set up than his last
version, then who cares about the reasons? What are we doing?
Making software design a sentimental practice?

I say just stick LWQ into qmail-1.whatever-is-next, and then all
alleged bug reports, whether true or not (which can be debated
until the end of time - ask yourself if it possible for both
sides to agree. It is human nature that they won't) will be old
"People say Microsoft payed $14M for using the Rolling Stones song
'Start me up' in their commercials. This is wrong. Microsoft payed
$14M only for a part of the song. For instance, they didn't use the
line 'You'll make a grown man cry'."

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