I am also interested in this.....so please email me also on / off list.



> From: "Cameron Childress" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 10:19:48 -0500
> Subject: Bare linefeeds not accepted by Qmail?
> Hello list!  Just joined the list, and am looking to clear something up
> here.  Let me start by saying that I am not a Qmail admin, and am not
> familiar with the internals of Qmail, so be gentle if my question seems
> malformed.
> After scouring the list archives for some time today I haven't found quite
> the answer I need.  I'm having a problem similar to one described by the
> following thread:
> http://www.ornl.gov/its/archives/mailing-lists/qmail/2000/05/msg01580.html
> I'm in communications with a fairly well established/recognized software
> company who's product generates email whose lines end in bare linefeeds.
> Clearly, from my reading in the archives, there is some argument as to
> whether or not this actually violates RFC822 or not, but I need to either
> convince the software company to change it's product, or convince my ISP to
> make some sort of change to their Qmail implementation.  Till then, I am not
> able to send outgoing mail through my ISP's mailserver (which is a pretty
> significant problem for me).
> I'm still in discussions/arguments with the software company, who apparently
> uses Netscape's Messaging library to support their SMTP operations, to
> change their product so that it does not generate bare LFs.  I'm not sure
> what progress I'm going to make with that, but any advice would be
> appreciated.
> On the other hand, I am going to take a stab at convincing my ISP to change
> their Qmail implementation so that it will accept bare LFs and convert them
> into CRLFs.  I have found reference to a solution in the list archives (link
> below), but unfortunately, being completely unfamiliar with Qmail's
> internals, I am not going to be able to clearly communicate the solution to
> the engineers at my ISP based on this posting.
> What I am searching for is something similar to a Knowledge Base or FAQ
> article which would either assist me in understanding the changes which
> should be made, or that I could simply point the engineers at my ISP to.
> Without that, I am not sure that I will be able to effectively communicate
> the problem/solution.
> Bare LF workaround:
> http://www.ornl.gov/its/archives/mailing-lists/qmail/1997/07/msg00957.html
> I would appreciate any suggestions on/offlist.
> Thanks!
> -Cameron
> --------------------
> Cameron Childress
> elliptIQ Inc.
> p.770.460.7277.232
> f.770.460.0963

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