Further to my original message, I believe that this very lucid description
(received offlist) of the RFC violation is what swung the vendor's pendulum
in favor of modifying the software.

---<Credit to Frank Cringle>---
For practical purposes it violates the combination of RFC821 and

821 says:
    text line
       The maximum total length of a text line including the
       <CRLF> is 1000 characters (but not counting the leading
       dot duplicated for transparency).

822 explicitly allows bare linefeeds but also makes it clear that
lines are terminated by CRLF, thus implying that bare linefeeds are
just strange characters embedded inside lines and are not themselves
terminators.  Under this interpretation though, if you have more than
1000 characters (for instance 11 "lines" of 100 characters each, with
bare LF between them) you are violating RFC821.  Generate a message
like that with these peoples software, trace it going over the wire
with tcpdump and point out the problem to them.

Again, seeing this text on the FAQ or Bare LF error page could be of great
benefit to other people in my situation...


Cameron Childress
elliptIQ Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Childress [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 1:32 PM
> Subject: Bare linefeeds not accepted by Qmail? - Vendor agrees
> Just wanted to send a word of thanks to the list.  Thanks to the input I
> received from members of the list I have convinced the software vendor to
> include this fix in their next major release (currently in round
> one beta).
> An organized description of the problems and solution would make a great
> addition to the FAQ (or maybe a link from
> http://cr.yp.to/docs/smtplf.html?), and I think would assist other like me
> to convince their software manufacturers to make such changes.  My biggest
> hurdle was convincing the company specifically how they were actually
> violating the RFCs.
> Thanks again!
> -Cameron
> --------------------
> Cameron Childress
> elliptIQ Inc.
> p.770.460.7277.232
> f.770.460.0963

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