
I tried to reply off-list and got a bounce.  qmail may be working, but you
have some DNS issues....


On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, hatem@assistant01 wrote:

> I could not believe that my Lovely qmail server is now working ...!! 
> I would like to share this great moment with you, for the stress that everyone had 
>from me and the help that you offered.
> I specialize my thanks to Mr. Edward J. Allen, who gave me excellent courage and 
>helped me out to understand the mystries of qmail..Thank you very much Edward!
> By the way, this e-mail is sent through my qmail server.. the reply address still 
>not working as it will take up to 24 hours to have my qmail.hahlabs.com registered in 
>the internet.
> I wanted to remove my name from the list, but I thought, since people were there to 
>help me out.. I must be there to help others...
> Well, I am not trying to say I am an expert .. but at least I know how to get this 
> Thanks all. 
> regards, Hatem 

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