Thus said David Dyer-Bennet on 12 Mar 2001 00:21:10 CST:

> Because my local users are used to using mailbox-based tools, but I'm
> using vmailmgr for virtual support and it likes maildir.  And some of
> my local users want to also check via pop from time to time.

How do you intend to keep the mailbox and maildir ``in sync?''  Now, if 
you can convince your users to use one or the other then you could just 
put the proper delivery instruction in their .qmail file.  i.e. for 
user joe who wants mailbox format:


and for fred who wants pop (using maildir)

Of course, now if joe wants pop then he will be out of luck unless you 
do something like:


[-----------[system uptime]--------------------------------------------]
 11:33pm  up 25 days, 23:36,  7 users,  load average: 1.08, 1.08, 1.08

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