
    Another good thing to note:

    I was having a serious problem with qMail delivering mail to end users,
however, mail was being stored in the queue (this was quite some time ago
now).  I had made a few changes to a crontab entry the day earlier, however;
everything was seemingly running normally with qMail.

    Anyway, it turns out that I was running an INTENCE CRON job every single
second, rather than my intended once per day.  (oops).  It took a little
while after I corrected the error before the backlog was gone, but
everything has been running smoothly since.

    Just an example of how a completely unrelated system event can alter the
performance of other items... (hrrmmm chaos mathematics anyone?)



THCI Billing Department wrote:

> Avery,
> Take a deep breathe and let us work through it together as a group shall we.
> Have you restarted qmail?  Since the last time it was working?
> Have you recently rebooted your server for some reason?
> Have you made "ANY" changes to your firewall?
> Have you made "ANY" changes to your system?
> (Even changes that you think should NOT do anything to qmail.)
> What do the logs in your system say?
> Could you please post the relevant portions of your logs for the community
> to review?
> Have you attempted to send an email to yourself from your own account on the
> same server?
> Does it arrive?
> Have you attempted to send an email TO an OUTSIDE account? Say at Hotmail or
> something?
> And then have you attempted to send TO your server FROM an outside source?
> If you send it FROM an outside source, is the OUTSIDE source account getting
> back any strange "Not Deliverable" type messages or anything?
> Have you changed your DNS records? More specifically the MX records and the
> "A" record for the mail server itself?
> You did set create an "A" record for the mail server and an "MX" record too
> right?
> You state:
>> I can send a blank message from my server to me but I can't send a message
>> from the server.
> Is email coming in and NOT going out?
> OR
> Is email going out and NOT coming in?
> Please clarify.
> Are you running any sort of intrusion detection to let you know if anyone
> has tried to hack your box?
> Is your network connectivity for that box active? Can you ping it from
> across the network?
> Can you ping it from OUTSIDE your network? Or do you get back a type 3 ICMP
> msg?
> Is it live? Is the network cable plugged in firmly? Are the lights lighting
> up on your network card like they should be?
> Those last questions we SERIOUS questions, I wasn't kidding.
> And here is a real true story, so you will know WHY I asked them...
> I used to work in academia (local college campus) where we had multiple
> satellite campuses in various parts of the state where I live, all
> interconnected via VPN. (Academia isn't very good pay by the way... But
> that's another story....)
> They had a problem with their mail system where it would suddenly just
> stopped working for a VERY long period of time.
> I told them to check the cables, restart the system, check the logs, etc...
> etc... etc...
> They SWORE they did.
> At the end of the day, I checked in to see how they were doing. The server
> was still down and they couldn't fix it.
> "Its going to require a full reinstall.... blah blah blah blah blah" They
> grumbled.
> "Oh?" I said. And reached around and plugged in the network cable......
> Needless to say, I smiled and went home, knowing that a bad connection had
> been the problem the whole time....
> I told them to check it.... :)
> Sometimes its the simplest things that we over look.
> So seriously take a deep breath, and start off with the most SIMPLEST of
> things like checking the cables, and work your way into the system from
> there. If those are fine, at least you know that you checked them, and that
> you can rest in the fact that you are one step closer to finding the
> problem.
> But if you could post some of your logs, that would certainly help as well.
> Jack
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Avery Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 5:15 PM
> Subject: Please help!!!
>> Greetings,
>> I setup qmail and it seems to work sometimes but it doesn't work all the
>> time.  What I mean is this morning I sent a mail through one of my forms
> and
>> it worked fine.  But right now and for the last 8 hours I haven't been
> able
>> to get any email's.  I check and qmail is running, but I don't know whats
>> going on.  Qmail just seems to not send mail all the time.
>> I am running a simple script to just test mailing functions, and it
> doesn't
>> work at all now.  I ran all the diags on qmail and it says that qmail is
> ok.
>> I can send a blank message from my server to me but I can't send a message
>> from the server.
>> Please help, I have tried 3 different paths:
>> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
>> /usr/sbin/sendmail
>> /usr/lib/sendmail
>> Please HELP!
>> Avery Brooks

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