I have been looking through the FAQ, the docs and the archives, but I am
still confused.

I am setting up a new qmail server which will act as a relay for our
internal servers to the outside world, as well as receiving email for the
various domains we own.

So far I have been able to get qmail to accept, and if necessary forward,
email for the various domains we receive mail for. My problem now is that
mail going out through the qmail server must appear as though it is from
@external-domain.com, regardless of which internal machine sent the mail.

Right now, if I have server1.internal_lan.com, server2.internal_lan.com,
and server3.internal_lan.com (all still running sendmail at this point),
and I tell them to use my qmail server as their relay, messages go out as
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. I need them to be
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, otherwise our clients will not be able to
respond (and in some cases may even reject the message as spam).

Currently I have the domains I will accept mail for in rcpthosts, and
locals. I have set defaultdomain, me and defaulthost to

What am I missing to make *outgoing* emails conform to
@external-domain.com? I've seen mention of mess822, but nothing that seems
to pertain to my situation.

Should I be changing the sendmail.cf files instead? I'm not really
concerned if the real server name appears in the headers somewhere, but the
From: and (if used) Reply-To: should show @external-domain.com.

I know several of you think this is old hat, but it's confusing to me. Your
assistance is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Dion Vansevenant ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Internetwork Administrator
MRO Software, Inc.
P: 519-642-6046
F: 519-433-1247

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