Hi again

I decided to go for the relay-ctrl idea suggested by Charles and James who
responded to my last message. However, I've got a number of issues:-

Instructions for installation suggest, sensibly, reading the man page for
relay-ctrl-age. the 'make install-root' seems to install the man pages but
'man' ignores them. So i 'cat'ted the man pages to extract what I needed to

where references were made to configs being stored in directorys that don't
exist I created the directories (as root) and I've not changed the owner or

I put the following in rc.local:

tcpserver -v -u 2850 -g 32750 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &

commented out the reference to smtp in inetd.conf and sent a kill- HUP to
the process. Then ran the above from the command line as root. I can still
send and recieve mail (phew!).

I put

*/20 * * * * /usr/sbin/relay-ctrl-age

into my crontab... and here's my first problem. Cron is now outputting:-

/usr/bin/tcprules: No such file or directory

the tcprules is in fact in
what's the best solution? symlink? what's calling this... can I edit a
variable somewhere to change this?

Also, I tried to symlink as suggested

but there is no /usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/authlib/ on my system. I am
using courier-imap but there appears to be no similar directory on my system
but nothing courier-imap specific.

All suggestions as to solutions gratefully recieved!



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