On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 07:26:32PM -0500, Russell P. Sutherland wrote:
> I've experienced a situtation that is wierd...


> Any ideas as to what the delay is caused by 

DNS, probably

> and/or how to eliminate it?

from 'man tcpserver':

              Do not look up the local host name;  use  localname
              for TCPLOCALHOST.

So... try adding -l0 to the tcpserver flags


| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis Telecom  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 2 1010 0000 - Fax: +351 2 1010 4459

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