I've experienced a situtation that is wierd...

I'm running qmail-smtpd/qmail-pop3d under daemontools.
Here's the run file:

        export PATH
        QMAILDUID=`perl -e 'print scalar getpwnam qmaild'`
        NOFILESGID=`perl -e 'print scalar getgrnam nofiles'`
        exec tcpserver -v -R -H -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u$QMAILDUID -g$NOFILESGID 0 25 
qmail-smtpd 2>&1

When I connect to the daemon from the local machine using its IP address

        telnet 25

there is a 10 second delay or so, as if a remote DNS or ident was being performed
and timing out.

However as you can see, I'm using both the -R and -H switches on tcpserver.

"telnet localhost 25" works fine/normally.

Any ideas as to what the delay is caused by and/or how to eliminate it?

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