Hi all,
We have managed to implement adding a footer to our outgoing email
messages and would like to put up the program source somewhere for qmail.
The program is written in Pascal,
and is written for /Maildir/ and we implement it with auto-turn.
It scans the email and
1 Identify the text component and put a message at the end of the text part
2 Identify the html component and put a message at the end of the html part
The footer is in 2 separate text files which can be easily customized
We have made cron change the random messages
We can put up a web-page with the source code in it and a small how-to
implement it. Please let me know what to do.
with best regards
Sri Lanka.
A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/
He who has laid aside the cudgel in his dealings with beings, whether feeble or strong
who neither harms nor kills, - him I call a Brahmana.
Random Dhammapada Verse 405