"Rick Updegrove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am pretty sure that djb changed his instructions for daemontools
>http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/svscan.html#boot and linux somewhat recently.

Correct. It was definitely changed since LWQ was written.

>The first time I followed LWQ I overlooked the URL provided altogether.

No need. LWQ doesn't require you to follow the new installation

>Then when it didn't work I read the entire cr.yp.to site to find
>out why.

It *wasn't* because you weren't running svscan on /service, because
LWQ doesn't use /service.

>I read a lot to discover that I only needed 3 steps to make it all
>work.  As I said the first time I read it there was only the method provided
>below, or at least that was all I saw and used.
>It is still beyond me why the simple steps were left out of LWQ:
>It says:
>2.7. Install daemontools:
>Test the build by following the directions in
>Instead of this ...
>#1  mkdir /service
>#2  chmod 755 /service
>#3  add this to rc.local and reboot.
>env - PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin csh -cf 'svscan /service

Because LWQ *DOESN'T* *USE* */service*.

>If you do those 3 steps then you can follow LWQ. from:

Of course, scanning /service won't interfere with LWQ--it just won't
help one bit.

>2.8 Start qmail (which is misleading because you wont be starting qmail for
>a while)

The end of 2.8 actually starts qmail. But you won't be mislead if you
follow the direction to read the entire section before doing an


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