>From: "Dave Sill"
> "Rick Updegrove" wrote:

> >I am pretty sure that djb changed his instructions for daemontools
> >http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/svscan.html#boot and linux somewhat recently.

> Correct. It was definitely changed since LWQ was written.

At least I was right about something : (

However, the words "Finally, start svscan in /service. Other packages rely
on svscan to start new services and to restart services upon reboot."  Were
pretty explicit and came in handy when installing djbdns at least.  I did
wonder why I didn't have any symlinks for qmail's processes in /service.

So we are starting supervise in /var/qmail/supervise/

as in svc -dx /var/qmail/supervise/*

Man I feel silly.  Anyway, would this be the prefered way to supervise qmail
these days?  If so/not, then why?

Oh well, I did learn something and I also managed to get pop3d supervised
without pestering the list.

For the record I have qmail + all the handy stuff at inter7.com running on 4
OpenBSD2.8 machines now and I used my seriously bastardized LWQ style script
which I named /usr/local/sbin/qmail  after I included a
/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d/run file and rblsmtp to qmail-smtpd.

I also would have never gotten it all working without LWQ.


Rick Up

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