Peter Cavender wrote:

> Have there been any changes on the DNS setup for your system; i.e., your
> nameservers.  In my experience this has been the #1 cause of delays,
> because email/qmail depends heavliy on DNS service.  I have several
> nameserver changeovers, and when things are not exactly kosher, qmail
> grinds to a crawl.

Turns out for some reason my ISP is not returning host names for my
block of ip's

$ dnsname 216.254...

times out. 

Also note that a few recent messages were in error in suggesting -h flag
to tcpserver. The options I used are:

-v -p -l 0 -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 

But isn't the -p not correct here?

Thanks again for your help.

--Tom Jackson

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