Great notes on getting the newest pine working with Maildir.

One thing I noticed when I set mine up:

you wrote:
> NOTE: Apparently, you must set inbox-path as an absolute path (which
> means you can't set it to ~/Maildir because pine doesn't seem to
> recognize ~/ as /home/$USER/).

For me it was the opposite.  "/home/$USER/Maildir" did not work whereas
"~/Maildir" did -- even for root.

I have no idea why it is opposite for us, but its just something to consider
and "one for the archives" as you say. ;-)

To make the change global for all users I added this to my

        ##Qmail Maildir Support##


> - You can set inbox-path for pine globally by editing /etc/pine.conf or
> you can force your users to use that inbox-path by editing
> /etc/pine.conf.fixed
> > i've never used pine with imap, so i'm not sure how that works.
> Well, I've been devoting a couple of hours to understanding courier-imap
> in all of its intracacies and I'd say that your method is loads simpler
> yet just as reliable.
> > -tcl.
> By the way, for those of you trying to obtain a copy of the file
> pine-maildir-4.33 to patch pine with, I realize Larrson's site is down
> so I have an alternate copy up at
> To apply the patch, just copy the file into the directory you extracted
> pine into and do `patch -p1 < pine-maildir-4.33'
> --
> Keith
> Network Engineer
> Triton Technologies, Inc.

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