alexus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it's not like i'm "demanding" and i didn't realize that there are an archive

You need to learn some basic netiquette.  To save you the pain of learning it
through the usual fiery ordeal, here's a couple of tips:

1)  Every message you send to a mailing list costs some hundreds or thousands
of other users a minute or two to read.  If you happen to ask a question which
is clearly answered in the documentation, the various FAQs, or in the mailing
list archives, you have just wasted that time for every other member of the
list.  This is considered extremely rude.  It also lowers the signal-to-noise
ratio of the list, making it a less useful resource for you and everyone else.
This is why netiquette requires that you "lurk" on the mailing list, reading
it but not posting, for the first few weeks.  That way, you see all the common
questions & answers go by, and probably answer all the common newbie questions
you have at this point.

2)  Statements like ``most of that "high qulified IT professionals" are same
as me who's just looking for help'' are inflammatory, incorrect, and
misguided.  This list has, as members, the author of qmail, and the authors of
all the most commonly used add-ons, patches, supplemental documentation, and
complementary packages, as well as dozens of other people who are simply very
knowledgable users of qmail.

> basically i'm very new to all this list stuff..  so i'm trying to do my best
> to "fit in"..

You're not doing a spectacular job of it, then.  Try harder in the future.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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