Puneet Narang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a case where one of the local user is sending lot of mails to outside
> domains in bunches of 50 mails each time since we have imposed limit of max
> recipients as 50. As of now now that user is consuming lot of our Internet
> Bandwith and constantly sending lot of outbound emails. Can we block
> /control/limit that particular user's outbound connections.

Sounds like a spammer.  Perhaps you should log copies of his messages to
determine if he is violating any of your terms of service, and terminate his
service if he is.

The best solution in this case is probably not a technical one, but an
administrative one -- tell this user they can not send more than X messages,
or Y bytes of email, per period Z.  Then check the logs (with qmail-analog) to
see if he violates the policy.  If he does, warn him.  If he does it again,
terminate him.

If you want a technical solution -- well, if he injects via SMTP from a known
IP address, you could set up a separate qmail instance (and hence separate
queue) just for his use, and direct his connections to the appropriate
qmail-smtpd with ipchains, or ip-filter, or whatever your system has.  Then,
when network bandwidth is at a premium, stop the qmail-send process on that
instance of qmail, restarting it only when available bandwidth is sufficient
for his uses.

If he's injecting with qmail-inject, you could apply Bruce Guenter's
QMAILQUEUE patch, and use either his qmail-qfilter mechanism or your own to
apply whatever filtering criteria you want to his mail.

More details about the situation would help.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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