Does qmail-pop3d call vchkpw? Paste the script you are using to launch
qmail-pop3d (should be /service/qmail-pop3d/run if you're using svscan)

> Hi to all...
>  I've a problem with vpopmail... I create a virtualdomain named
> and under  /home/vpopmail/domains/
> I can see the user account I've created with qmailadmin... there is no
> problem with them... i can send an email  to an another  user (I've
> created 2 user for my tests) via web and read it... but qmail-pop3d
> search user-dir under /home... and when I login via pop3, I never see
> the mails for the user created with qmailadmin...
> anyone can help me ?
> 73 de iw2lsi, Giampaolo

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