"Neil Whittington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have created my svscan and qmail startup scripts (see below) in the =
>directory and set their permissions.
>In the rcX.d directories, I have set up the link to svscan (eg ln =96=
>../init.d/svscan K12svscan )
Which links did you create=3F What is your default runlevel=3F
>Now, when I reboot, qmail doesn't start. If I go into the /etc/rc.d/in=
>directory and type
> ./qmail start
> ./svscan start
>it all runs perfectly. What am I doing wrong=3F
Well, that shouldn't work. The "qmail start" will only work if svscan
(and supervise) is already running. Perhaps you're not starting svscan