* colette tostivint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010511 03:42]:
> Qmail doesn't run when i reboot my system.


> I make a link : ln -s ../init.d/qmail /etc/rc2.d/S88qmail
> I must start manually /etc/rc2.d/S88qmail .


> What is the problem?


* No meaningful input from your part regarding:
        - operating system
        - release
        - default runlevel
        - invocation of qmail intended

* Crystal ball broken:
        - script functional?
        - script executable?
        - script has contents?

* General cluelessness, cf.
http://www.monster-island.org/tinashumor/humor/usertype.html - pick your

You see, apart from the fact that your submission is *wildly* off topic
because it has /nothing/ to do _whatsoever_ with qmail, it also lacks
even the minimum amount of information necessary to give a more relevant
answer than "tough luck, luser".

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