It is not the default init your system started up, depening from your 
distribution this maybe be a different one. Have a look at and read the "Life with Qmail" doc there. You 
will get the needed ln -sīs and many other helpful information on how to 
start your qmail experience.

hope this helps
Anton Pirnat

btw.. next time it would be helpful you also are telling us what kind of OS 
(... Linux?, ...BSD?) and Version you are working with.  It is often 
important, because (in example) file paths are different sometimes. :)

On Friday 11 May 2001 10:09, colette tostivint wrote:
> Hi
> Qmail doesn't run when i reboot my system.
> I make a link : ln -s ../init.d/qmail /etc/rc2.d/S88qmail
> I must start manually /etc/rc2.d/S88qmail .
> What is the problem?
> Thank you
> Colette Tostivint

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