Just so that everyone can see what a pathetic individual Felix is, here is
his lovely retort to my email.  I especially love his methodology for
proving his superiority through the use of 4-letter words:

> This is exactly the kind of problem that causes people to get discouraged
> about installing new (and superior) software.  They run into a problem and
> they get raked over the coals for a breach of interpreted "etiquette" when
> typing.

Fuck Off And Die.

People who are as stupid as you have no business installing software at

Go clean some carpets or something.

> Almost a dozen people wrote helpful emails without the need for blasting
> someone for the tool they use to send email from a "company-owned
> workstation".
> Ever think that I do not have a choice in the utility I am forced to use
> receive my email at this workstation?  Or maybe, that, along with some of
> the other options "my Outlook" offers me, I choose to use it since I am
> forced to use the M$ operating system to coexist with my workgroup...

You don't have a workstation.
You have a broken Windoze infested PC with tons of crapware on it.
Nothing could be farther from a "workstation".

> I tell you what...since you seem to be such a unix GOD, develop the
> following software so I can readily move my workload to unix:

Go Away.

>       a graphics program capable of the same feats as Adobe Photoshop,
> Illustrator and Macromedia Director
>       a html development program with:
>               code verification
>               syntax verification and highlighting
>               internal browsing of current state of document
>       office suite that handles all current document forms including:
>               Microsoft
>               Lotus
>               Corel

And I thought I had seen my share of pathetic lusers.

>       and the ability to play UT within the same environment seamlessly...

> once YOU have done that, let me know so that I can bend over and kiss your
> ass.  Until that time, grow a thicker skin.  I never said the computer
> crashed.  I insinuated that the process was crashing.  A dozen other
> understood what it meant...why didn't you?

I understood what you meant.  And I saw that your description was so
wrong that you should not be handling a computer.  Leave that to people
with a brain.

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