Gawain Reifsnyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to implement spam filtering for several users. My ISP recently 
> installed qmail and vpopmail on our colocated Yellow Dog Linux 
> server. The machine already has procmail 3.14 installed, although 
> I've never used it. I installed spambouncer 
> <> (which uses procmail) according to the 
> directions, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Are there any 
> known gotchas with this setup?

I don't know anything about "spambouncer", but purely based on the name, I'd
say it's useless.  I've seen some systems which generate late bounces to
suspicious mail to try to get your name removed from spammers' lists, but the
basic idea is flawed because spammers universally use forged envelope sender
addresses and therefore never see the bounces.

If you do want to use this, you'll probably have to modify either the users'
.qmail files or the default delivery instruction to call procmail.  Typically
this means setting it to something like:

    |preline procmail [.procmailrcfile]

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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