> Hey,
> I'm pretty new to qmail, so I apologize in advance if my
> question is a but mundane.  I have read all the INSTALL docs
> and the FAQ, so I hope I haven't overlooked anything.
> Here's the deal:
> Everything gets delivered locally just fine.  Even remotely
> to certain domains.  However, when sending messages to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED], my logs tell me
> that qmail could not establish an SMTP connection with those
> servers.  I telnet to 25 on a given server, and sure enough,
> I can't get a connection.  However, I know these domains are
> receiving.  Should I be running a local DNS server?  If so,
> I don't see why.  Perhaps I'm just a gimp and I overlooked a
> config file.

You can't get a connection ONLY from your server ? Or from you hole link
If only particular from your server, try tracing the route to these
from a working machine and from the server.
Since you can receive/send to a couple of other domains with 100%
it looks like you are on a network/routing trouble.

> Any help is appreciated.  Flames are welcome to my email
> address so as not to clog up the mailing list.
> Thanks again,
> -- Graham

Best Regards,

Eduardo Augusto Alvarenga - Analista de Suporte - #179653
    Blumenau - Santa Catarina. Tel. (47) 9102-3303

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