Hi there,

Is there a way to limit the control/databytes file by username?
I found some documentation about limiting by domainname but not for just a 
single username. I have some support users that full my queue with 
videos/games/etc; and also have users that use their mailboxes correctlly, for 
work. I want to limit the outgoing size of the stupid users to only 2MB and for 
other users to 10MB (mantain).
Other question: Is there a way to limit the number of outgoing messages per 
day? Ex. User jack has only permission to send 10 messages a day, and user john 
has unlimited permission to send messages daily.

I use vpopmail by default.

Best Regards,

Eduardo Augusto Alvarenga - Analista de Suporte - #179653
    Blumenau - Santa Catarina. Tel. (47) 9102-3303

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