>After a mail had been relayed to the internet, sendmail sent a receipt back
>to the sender. I can't get qmail to do that.

Hmm. So Sendmail on your relay sent a message to the sender of each
message it relayed informing them of the fact that it'd relayed the
message? And you found this desirable? What if every relay on the net
starting doing that? You'd often get 4-5 relay notifications for each
message you send. What's the point?

>I have read qreceipt's man page, but that only seems to apply to users on
>the local machine. This machine only has root and a couple of daemon users.

Yes, qreceipt allows users to confirm final delivery to senders who
request confirmation. That's much more reasonable than what you're
asking for.

>I realize that I have to patch qreceipt to recognize Outlooks SMTP tag for
>receipts, but how do I do that?

If you really want to do that, I think you'll have to hack
qmail-scanner[1] or implement a custom filter[2].


[1]  http://qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net/

[2]  http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/2142/fid/206

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