Thanks, Peter and Charles. Looks like I'll have to script a
solution that telnets to port 25 on the remote host and issues 10,000+
(650,000+ actually) "rcpt to:" lines. A manual test seems to have worked,
so now I'll have to try automating it.

>On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 09:51:46AM -0600, Roger Walker wrote:
>>      I just ran a test where I created a single message file, with all
>> headers, and the BCC list was 10,000+ copies of my own address on a remote
>> domain. I used qmail-inject to send the message.
>>      What I expected to happen was for the local QMAIL to make a single
>> connection to the remote domain, deliver the single message, and have the
>> remote system make 10,000+ deliveries to the remote account.

>It did 10.000 SMTP connections to send the message 10.000 times total.

>Yes. qmail always handles only one recipient per SMTP connection.

Roger Walker
Tier III Messaging/News Team
Internet Applications, National Consumer IP
TELUS Corporation 780-493-2471

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