Joshua Nichols writes:
 > > > Not true.  It simply means that the remote system would have to
 > > > implement VERP when qmail-remote tells the smtpd that the envelope
 > > > sender is list-@[]  Unfortunately, qmail-remote and
 > > > VERP-compatible smtp servers do not cooperate in that manner.
 > All this talk of delivery optimization and VERP actually raises a few
 > question for me:
 > 1. Is there a seperate instance of qmail-remote for each bcc: header?

There is a separate instance of qmail-remote for every recipient
regardless of how the recipient got to qmail-queue (and yes, bcc: is
one of the ways).

 > 2. If so, how does one message with many recipients save memory or run
 > faster?

It saves a HUGE amount of disk space and disk bandwidth.  Otherwise,
each recipient gets its own copy of the message body.

 > 4. Does the existing qmail-verh patch work on the body of the message?  The
 > archives suggest that this would be VERB, not VERP or VERH.

No, it doesn't modify the body.  What if a message contained '#'?

 > 5. If qmail-verh won't do replacements on the body, did anyone ever write a
 > qmail-verb patch?

I did, but it's not freely copyable, and I charge mucho dinero to
install it.

 > 6. Does implementing VERB or VERH negate the benefits of 1 message, many
 > recipients?

No, because the per-recipient substitution is done inside qmail-remote.

 > Lyris and L-soft both claim that their mtas are better (faster) because they
 > will do "domain batching".  If they are not misleading the masses, has
 > anyone thought of ways (or developed patches) to implement this behavior in
 > qmail?  Russ?

Dan has said that qmail has been measured to be faster and use less
bandwidth than sendmail's implementation of the same idea. I don't
know if Lyris and L-soft have better implementations than sendmail.
Changing qmail to do this kind of batching would be a significant
change.  I hope that qmail 2 will address this problem.  Whether it's
a real problem or not, it's certainly a marketing problem.  And it
doesn't matter if you've got the world's most secure software if
people have reasons to not use it.

 > Perhaps this is all misguided conversation, but it seems to me that most of
 > the threads on the list fall into 1 of 2 categories:
 > 1. Qmail doesn't work (read as "I broke it" * ).
 > 2. How can I get _______ to work better? (Expect "What problem are you
 > trying to solve?")


-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | John Hartford, RIP
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