Charles (and everyone else),

I saw this thread and it made me kinda worried about a cluster we're fixing to
send out.  Here's a brief description of how it works:

4 machines (3 nodes, running qmail, mounting /home from NFS server.  1 NFS
server--running IDE RAID 5)  All four machines: have 64M of ram and a 633 Mhz
proc, have qmail installed, accept smtp and pop3 connections and all have the
same /home (again, mounted over NFS).  Vpopmail is installed on the NFS server,
in the home directory (local mail is put in
/home/vpopmail/domains/  /var on each machine is separate, so they
each have a separate queue. No special concurreny settings.  tcpserver is
accepting 150 connections on pop/smtp at a time.  Load balancers in the front of
these four machines send traffic to the least congested (the nfs sever gets less
traffic than the other three).

Now, My question is do you think this can support a small ISP (10,000)
efficiently or should we go with special settings and/or think about
faster/better hardware?  Do you think this leaves room for expansion?

Kinda distressed,


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