On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 03:24:05PM -0500, Technology Strategic Planning, Inc. wrote:
> OK, so both xinetd and tcpserver are running. I get the feeling that I
> should pull xinetd out of the startup scripts. How will this effect apache
> and other services (most epically bind)?
> I assume the two don't coexist well? (A logical push-me-pull-you?)
They can coexist but not bind to the same port.
> I have two instances of tcp server, both called with the command:
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 502 -g 501 0
> smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smptd
Two identical instances of tcpserver?? one them changing PID all the
time?? There's most probably a problem with your start scripts and
something (svscan?) tries to start it twice.
If you want to control relay check /etc/tcp.smtp and the documentation
for tcprules[1].
> xinetd is also running (one process).
It's fine unless it doesn't try to bind to the same ports as tcpserver.
[1] http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcprules.html