* Troy Settle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010617 17:20]:
> Ok, the qmail faq says to put ``| forward "$[EMAIL PROTECTED]"'' into
> ~alias/.qmail-default, but that would appear to be for all domains, which I
> do not want to do.
> So, I put that line into ~vpopmail/domains/foo.com/.qmail-default, but that
> resulted in mail being forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


> In postfix, this is easy stuff with virtualmaps:
>   @domain.com:@otherdomain.com
> Is there nothing similar in qmail?

If you are using vmailmgr, yes there is. Since all domains are handled by
individual system users, just point both domains at the same system user:

  # format is ``domain:system_user''
  # I name system users after the domain, just to be simple
  # domain alias for example.com

(I'm sure it's possible w/o vmailmgr; that's just what I know.) The nice
thing about this method is that it avoids the add'l delivery of a forward
(which is what the FAQ suggests). We use this all the time.


Peter Green : Architekton Internet Services, LLC : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
panic("esp: penguin doesn't disconnect after status msg-ack.");
(Panic message in the kernel.)

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