* Roland Mathis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010621 02:55]:
> We have a new ghost in our company. It's name is "Loss of Email". We
> have qmail running since about 3 months on our mail server. Every now
> and then people are complaining that they haven't received this and
> that important mail. 

You are making a couple of wrong assumptions to start with.

1. Never refer to /them/ as "people". Rule of thumb: if male, "luser" is
   the bare minimum, "dead meat" will also do; if female, the proper
   categorization depends on a couple of factors, such as martial status,
   gullibility and the willingness to be your "intern".

2. Service is a privilege, not a right. If your lusers are complaining,
   you need a better LART.

3. If it isn't *your* mail, it is not important.

> I usually make a test and it works, but the ghost remains. 

Question your lusers more thoroughly. And I mean /thorough/. Trial by
combat or fire will quickly lead to more truthful error reports. Make
sure not to spill any blood over your servers.

> Now, I already installed ISOQLOG, to analyze logs. But I still cannot
> see WHO sent mail TO WHO and WHO receives mail FROM WHOM. Has anybody
> an idea how I could filter this information from the log files? 

Yes, but the degree of incompetence you've already displayed by not
giving us any idea of your network environment, your operating system,
and the exect setup you're running (including, most importantly, the
logging tool) suggests that you wouldn't understand it.

> Another idea I had is this: Every time qmail-send sends a mail it
> would store a copy of it somewhere. How could I do this?

By reading the FAQ. Ahhh... wait - you've done that already, right? I
mean, you wouldn't submit an utterly braindamaged question to a public
mailing list if you hadn't made very sure in advance that it's not
covered by the FAQ? http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/admin.html#copies

> Thanks for any advice!


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