I'm at the end of my rope here with this error.  I've read every
message in the archives pertaining to this problem, and none of the
proposed solutions apply.

When I send a new message, it gets written to /var/qmail/mess/* owned
by root:qmail instead of qmailq:qmail despite these facts:

* "make check" reports no anomalies.

* bin/qmail-queue appears to have the correct permissions:

-rws--x--x  1 qmailq  qmail  20480 Jun 21 11:02 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue

* I've completely re-installed qmail (and rm -rf /var/qmail) several
  times both from tarball and from the OpenBSD "ports" tree with the
  same result.

Am I missing something?

(TMDA - http://tmda.sourceforge.net/)
(A qmail-based SPAM reduction system)

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