torsdagen den 21 juni 2001 19:23 skrev Jason R. Mastaler:
> I'm at the end of my rope here with this error.  I've read every
> message in the archives pertaining to this problem, and none of the
> proposed solutions apply.
> When I send a new message, it gets written to /var/qmail/mess/* owned
> by root:qmail instead of qmailq:qmail despite these facts:
> * "make check" reports no anomalies.
> * bin/qmail-queue appears to have the correct permissions:
> -rws--x--x  1 qmailq  qmail  20480 Jun 21 11:02 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue
> * I've completely re-installed qmail (and rm -rf /var/qmail) several
>   times both from tarball and from the OpenBSD "ports" tree with the
>   same result.
> Am I missing something?

I allways use a script that sets up the correct users to reduce lots of grief 
(I'm lazy), try it and recompile. Ehh, you probably should delete your qmail 
source tree and unpack it again from the tarball before recompiling..., I 
don't know...

The attached file works on Linux Redhat/Mandrake.


Regards // Oden Eriksson
Kvikkjokk Networks

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