>> First of all, fuck you and the horse you road in on. 
This guy is asking for help, not to be harassed.<<

Please leave the poor horse out.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 11:26 PM

This is in response to your email about the "loss of 
email ghost."

First of all, fuck you and the horse you road in on. 
This guy is asking for help, not to be harassed.

Second, you demonstrated your own incompetence; your 
lack of understanding basic rules of security is quite 
obvious in your quote below:

"Yes, but the degree of incompetence you've already 
displayed by not
> giving us any idea of your network environment, your 
operating system,
> and the exect setup you're running (including, most 
importantly, the
> logging tool) suggests that you wouldn't understand 

What the fuck else do you want from the guy? His 
passwords, IP range, hours of operation and social 
security number?

When crackers, AKA, hackers, go looking for a network to 
exploit, they often start with forums, UseNet, etc to 
find out as much as they can about an administrator, his 
network and level of expertise. Kevin Mitnick relied on 
social engineering for 90 percent of his exploits.

Who the fuck are you anyway? Hey asshole, the Internet 
is a co-op. You probably run Linux too, another 
cooperative effort where some geeky Scandinavian 
programmer relied on the contributions and input from 
others via the Internet to start his little binary 

Have you ever answered a post in a positive manner? 
Actually helped someone? Or are you that guy in college 
that raised his hand and repeated what the instructor 
said so you would sound smart? Why do you feel you are 
in the position to fuck with people seeking help? Robin, 
are you male or female? Well, either way you are a 
little bitch!

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