On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 10:21:32AM -0500, Bill Andersen allegedly wrote:

> And then there are these two conversations that took
> place in Dallas, Texas. Late 1999.
> First call:
> *ring*
> "Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?"
> "Ah yes, I need someone to pick up my Chevy Suburban
>  at 1234 Anystreet, it won't start this morning.
>  I'm taking a cab to work."
> "Ok, sir.  We'll take care of it.  Goodbye."
> Second call:
> *ring*
> "Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?"
> "Hi, I called this morning about the Chevy Suburban.  Did
>  you have any luck with it?."
> "Uh, sir.  We thought you got it started and took it
>  on to work.  It wasn't there when we went to pick it up..."
> CAUSE: Someone had tapped into the car shop's phone
> line and beat them to the address.  3 vehicles THAT DAY!
> Of course, after getting to the 3rd address and NO vehicle,
> they started getting suspicious.
> MORAL OF THE STORY:  Don't EVER think it can't happen to you.

TRUE MORAL OF THE STORY: If you really really need to get your car
started in a hurry, use a car thief.


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